Our Team

Peter N. Steinmetz, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief Scientist
Dr. Steinmetz founded the Neurtex Brain Research Institute in 2015 to facilitate the analysis and publication of over 2.0 TB of data from human single unit recordings that was gathered in his laboratory at the Barrow Neurological Institute between 2006 and 2015.
After completing his M.D. and Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, Dr. Steinmetz completed two post-doctoral fellowships for training in computational neuroscience and human single neuron recording. Since that time he has focused his research efforts on this type of recording with a focus on the statistically accurate analysis and interpretation of results from these experiments. Since 2006 he has published over 15 peer-reviewed publications on both the cognitive neuroscience and technical aspects of these recordings.
He also collaborates with several laboratories around the world performing this type of recording to further advance the field.